Before i become an angel!!!
All of us have some dreams, some aims which we keep dreaming of achieving in our life, without realizing that the life for which we are drawing our paths is not in our hands. Will we ever be able to stand at the height we aim at? Maybe that height turns into nothingness in front of our eyes or maybe we add into that nothingness and someone else conquers the height. We are never ready to grow up. All we believe is, lets be what we are and future is all ours we can work out. Its time now to build your room, only then you can end up building your skyscraper. Wake up before you sleep forever!
Imagine you come to know that you are left with a few days to live! what all will you "pack your bags with?" Some bricks, some cement, some paint of your favorite color, some paintings to make your room lively? Well that would be playing a prank with yourself, wasting half the time making a room lively when you will not live for long. Or will you pack your bag with a collapsible shelter, a beautiful bedspread and comfortable pillows and make all those days never like before.
21/12/2012, they say, is going to be the doomsday. So lets start packing our bags and if fortunately we don't end up, well, we then end up building our lives. Before I become an angel (am sure i will), I more of want to be famous then being rich. I too want people to download my pictures. I want them to adore me, to idolize me. I want to be everywhere in the newspapers (for a good cause of course), be it the city paper. So all I am going to pack my bag with is, the pictures i look beautiful in.
And all the best with these efforts :)